Apple production is said to resume in China by the end of March. Production at Foxconn, a big Apple supplier, came to a halt in recent weeks due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The outbreak originated in China over the new year, with the epicentre being the city of Wuhan. The virus spreads from person to person and thousands of people have been infected worldwide. Over half of Foxconn’s seasonal workforce have reportedly returned to work since the outbreak caused lockdowns across the country.
Foxconn is one of many companies impacted by the virus. With workers taking time off to recover and self-isolate, the system of supply and demand relied upon by most businesses has taken a hit. If workers were in good health, many of them were not allowed to travel to and from work as a result of the travel bans imposed with the hope that the virus might be contained and suppressed. In an attempt to stop the financial collapse and large scale problems arising for the global technology supply chain, Foxconn has resumed production.
It has been reported that the delay in production due to the virus outbreak might disrupt the release of Apple products going forward. So, getting your new iPhone might not be as swift a process as usual. However, it has been reported that investors shouldn’t worry too much, and that production will hopefully get back to normal. Stopping the spread of the virus and maximising production in these trying times are top priorities.
As the pandemic situation changes on a day to day basis, a close watch is being kept on how companies like Foxconn might be affected in the coming months.